Pick up their trail

From Create Your Own Story

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Moving around the camp site in small circles you make out small scuffs in the rocks surface from tools, or something heavy and metal, maybe a weapon, shotgun? Rifle? The heat dying from the fires remains tells you whoever was here had been gone for at least an hour if not more but its the small ash foot print leading towards the west that gives you direction.

Dusting your self off you head off towards the west keeping your eyes open for any more tracks though they are few in number making tracking slow and difficult. The sun slowly being to dip across the sky line as a small twitching begins to flow through your arm from the lack of drugs, you knew you shouldn't have gone crazy with them... but you like to party.

Its only when the sun truly sets over the land that you spot the first licks of flames in the distance from a small fire off in the distance. Going low and slow you cover ground up a hill towards its source till you hop over the hillside to see a small camp set up, a cooking pot, roasting meat and a tent, or more of a cloth supported by a few twigs.

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