A Girl's Night Out/“I wouldn’t mind some bitterness.”

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< A Girl's Night Out
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“Surprising.” She gives you a curious look and reaches down to pull a bottle from what sounds like a bucket of ice beneath the counter. She holds up a dark brown bottle with Guiness emblazoned across its front. You’ve heard of that one before. “Why not give this one a go? It’s got a nice kick.”

Grasping the top firmly in her palm, she gives the cap a firm twist and hands the bottle to you. “Thanks,” you say, the glass chilling your fingers. You take a sip. Definitely strong, and a bit bitter, but not bad at all.


You nod. She grins. “Glad to hear it. I didn’t think you’d go for stout. Guess I shouldn’t judge by appearances, huh?”

“People always make assumptions about me,” you reply, taking another swig and letting the sensation of it melt into your mouth. “Usually they assume I’m straight. I get that, but what really pisses me off is when I come out to them and they don’t believe me.”

The bartender rolls her eyes. “Believe me, I’ve gotten that too. Who do they think goes after all of their stereotypical butch lesbians? Not to say some of them aren’t into each other.” She rests her elbows on the counter. “Or that two more feminine ladies can’t hit it off.”

Her face is closer now, and you start feeling a bit hot.

“So,” she continues, “this your first time at a gay bar?”

You take another drink to calm your nerves. “Yeah. I turned 21 a few days ago.”

“You serious?” Her green eyes widen a bit, clearly interested. “I thought you’d just never had a good beer. Now you’re gonna tell me you’ve never kissed a girl either.”

Your cheeks burn a little. “How do you even find other girls?”

Her gaze turns sympathetic. “It can be pretty hard when you’re younger. Sometimes it just happens though, like with a friend.”

The idea of a friend actually falling back in love with you is entirely alien. You plunk your bottle down on the counter, half empty. “Maybe I’m unlucky.”

“Maybe.” She picks up the bottle and takes a small sip. “Or maybe you were just saving up your luck to find this place.” Setting it back down beside your hand, she takes the opportunity to lightly brush your knuckles with her fingertips. Her green eyes crackle mischievously, and her lips part into a knowing smile. “That’s on me, by the way.”

She leaves to attend to another customer. Your whole body is tingling, and not from the alcohol.

Stay and wait for the bartender to come around your area again.

Search for another woman at the counter.

Take your beer and head out into the crowd.

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