A Girl's Night Out/Head to the couches

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You feel a little daring tonight. Pinching your shoulderblades together, you straighten up and try to look far more confident than you actually are as you make your way towards what look like some couches.

As you get nearer, you see lots of young women. Some are sitting and flirting while others lay against each other, lips locked without a care in the world. You wish you could be like that sometimes.

You realize that you look really out of place here without someone else by your side. Maybe you should try to find someone first, and then see about the couches.

“Are you new here?”

Turning your head a bit, you see a nicely dressed woman with short black hair. Her caramel-colored face looks a bit Indian.

“Yeah,” you say, giving your best smile. “I’m not really sure where to go. There’s so many people here, and I don’t know any of them.”

She pulls her hand out of her pocket. “Well, you do now. I’m Anjum.”

What a wonderful name. You tell her yours, and she grins.

“That’s really pretty. It suits you.”

You feel a few butterflies in your stomach. A few men have given you that sort of compliment before, and all it ever did was make you feel uncomfortable. It feels so different coming from a woman… and so much better.

“Y’know, I’m kind of thirsty,” she says, placing her hand expertly on her shapely hip. “Mind if I buy you a drink?”

"Sure, I'd like that."

"I'm kind of curious about the other parts of the bar."

"Actually, I'd rather stay here with you."

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