Dlyan,18 Caucasin, has several older brother (incest)

From Create Your Own Story

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You: Dylan, a very short blonde twink with hair going down to your shoulders. Your only 5 feet 2 inches tall and what little body hair you have you shave off. At 110 pounds you are not just skinny but outright scrawny. You look much younger then you are and you often dress in a childish way. Your cock in only 5 inches long, but you have about a 1 inch of extra foreskin hanging off the end even when you are hard. You live with your brother and parents in a large house, but most of the children had a roommate in years past.

your brother are:

Devin: your Identical twin brother, He looks just like you even your parents have a hard time telling you two apart. He sleeps in the same bed with you, you very close to him. he is about 5 minutes older then you. you and him love hanging out with each other, often going swimming in your pool or playing video games in your room. You and him have fooled around but not had sex with him.

Kevin: 19 year old. Your next next oldest brother, He used share a room with you and Devon. He Is a real horn dog, and always is hitting on anybody he finds hot, which is either guys or girls. He as light drown hair and some freckles. He really likes to keep himself clean and well groomed. Like most of you family he is taller then you at 5 ft 10 in. He has a bit a chest hair but other then his face he lets the hair grow. He wants to go in to business and or real estate.

Sam, or Sammy: 20 year old. He is shiest of the family. Sammy really does not like to go out of the house, he mostly just plays on his computer and his guitar. You know he is in the closet and he might have a thing for bondage, but he refuses to talk to you. He the is a little short at 5 feet 8 inches. His emo style hair is a darker blonde then yours, but he dyes it black and red.

Issac: 21 year old. He is the party animal of the family and he could and will get you beer, or in to parties at any time. You and Devin are kind of close to him and you have covered for each other from time to time. Currently he lives in a dorm and is study to be doctor. He often says the mil man baby since he is the only child in your family with black hair which he keeps just above his shoulders. speaking of his shoulder you dont even come to his shoulder since he stands at 6 feet 4 in.

Stephen: 23 year old and living on his own as a car mechanic, You and Devin often hangout at his house after school his you had to walk past hos house on the way home. You know several people at his shop and He rather laid back, You think his girlfriend might have thing for and your brother. HE keeps his light blonde hair cut short and he has good amount of muscles.

Matthew: 24 year old. Your oldest brother and the only one who is circumcised, which he had done after he moved out. He works for a servery company that specializes in hazardous assessment. He often is away on trips and he has told you that you and Devin can come with him on a trip. You know from skinny dippy with him that he very well hung. He keeps his light brown hair in pony tail. He has a wife which She really hasa problem with some of the family members, She also has 2 kids of her from a peirvous marriage.

other family members:

Roger: your dad, he is around his late 40s. He works as manager at a ranch near buy. HE really did not like when you to came out of the closet and he calmed down after a few months. He had hair like your but it since turned grey. He is about 6 feet tall.

Susan: your mother. She is a rather tall woman about 5 feet 8 inches. She is a rather active women and really likes to go out to social events. She did accept your and Devin's coming out with her typical sense of humor "but gay for each other". She also has a job a real estate broker, and for the last few years she has been working more and recently got promoted up to a high position. She came from a large family and most of your cousins come from her side of the family.


you wake up in your room

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