Right under 3 inches, looks like you were off when you measured

From Create Your Own Story

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"Right at 3 inches Runt, looks like Jeremy get to keep his clothes on, and we get to do decide what happens to you, so stay right here and we will decide what happens to you". The two of them walk into the kitchen and talk for a moment.

You stay there naked and horny. while they talk. You grab the tape measure and check and see that will is right. You sit up and change the channel after a bit. As you wait you start to really enjoy the feeling of being naked and you start to play with little cock. When you hear Jeremy and Will coming back in you smile at them and blush as you place your hands behind your back and your legs apart.

Jeremy says "aww look like the runt is excited to find out what his punishment is". Will nods in agreement "yeah he is".

Will places his hands on your shoulders and look down at you. "We decided that you have stay naked when at home, even after mom and dad get back home, your just going to have to tell them your going to become a nudist".

Jeremy adds "that also includes when you come over to my house as well Cadie".

You stammer "but what if mom and dad say i cant, or when you have friends come over will". As you think about this turn of events. You do like the idea of staying naked, and you know that your parents will probably say yes.

"Well if they say no then we have a back up plan, and if I or Jeremy has other friends come over then you have to stay naked as well, you only get dressed if you leave the house". Will says as he pats your back "besides I know you like to sleep naked and you often go skinny dippy, so it not like mom and dad don't see you naked on a daily basses".

Jeremy ads "And my family will be ok with as well, so it applies to my house as well".

The two taller boys nod and Will finally adds "oh by the way this will last for a long time so get used to it"

"How long" you start to ask when the door bell rings interrupting you.

"Oh Cadie go get the pizza I left the money for it by the door" Will says as he goes in to the kitchen.

"But I'm naked, cant Jeremy do it" you protest

Will tells you "Jeremy is our guest and you better get used to people seeing you naked, and if you don't ill throw out all of your clothes except for school clothes".

You know that Will probably won't do that, but you know that you better get used to this since Will will probably enforce this for a while. You decide to go and and answer the door with out any clothes. When you open the door you take a deep breath and open the door about half way, more then enough that the delivery guy can see you standing there naked. He seems a bit taken back at first when he stammers "here is your pizza..pizza sir".

Blushing you hand him the money and notice that you have seen him before somewhere. He hands you the pizza and you have to wait for him to give you the change. Then it hits you this guy is one of wills friends from college. The guy hands you the change back and you start getting a little embarrassed as you have to stand there naked while he hand over a tip.

after the whole exchange is over you take the food in to the kitchen where Will and Jeremy are both waiting at the table for you. "good runt did you make sure to as the door wide open"? Will asked.

You blush and sit down "It was one of your friends". You take a few slices and start eating.

Will chuckles "yeah i new was working to night though that would be a good surprise fore him".

The three of you finish eating the pizza before you decide what to so next.

Jeremy wants to go play video games with you

Will wants to watch a movie

Health 100 Location:

your house



Popularity bitch, close family, nudist
Level 4
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