Fallout- BailJack

From Create Your Own Story

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You figure you should get to lunch before they start searching for you. You have 8 minutes to reach the cafeteria.

"Tell anyone I did this..." You say to the limp body before you, "..and next time it will be your life"

Jack somehow manages to nod, before losing consciousness.

You stop briefly in your cabin to wash blood from you hands, and change pants. Knowing it will not be in your best interest to send your blood spattered pants to the laundry you decide to burn them in a trash bin.

"Problem Solved" You say to yourself. Feeling quite relieved. "I should have done that a long time ago."

You head to breakfast where, like any other day, you eat lunch with Sam and Jeff. The guys are talking to one another in what sounds like a foreign language but they insist is just "common engineering lingo".

You spend the first 15 minutes of breakfast ogling various females in the cafeteria. You were chewing on a bagel and drooling over Alice's perfect rack when the disturbance happened. Jack had missed roll call. You try to hide any emotions you may have. Part of you is starting to feel regret for what you did, but the rest of you is still quite pleased.

The search team found Jack in his room only a few minutes later, but the entire vault was put on lockdown while they "searched for clues regarding this horrible act". Fortunately for you, Jack had kept his mouth shut about the beating, and even more fortunately you are locked in the Cafeteria with an endless supply of food.

Some time later the lockdown was ended. The mess had apparently been cleaned up, and Jack was in stable condition in the medical wing. You grab a couple chocolate-filled donuts for the road, and set off for work.

Go to Work

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