AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Coruscant

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Anakin Skywalker

With Obi-Wan making his report to the Council, you return to your quarters in the Temple's accommodation sector. The private, low-light chamber is barely bigger than your old bedroom back in Mos Espa, and far more spartan—here, you don't even have a home-made protocol droid to tinker with, and over the last decade have taken to dismantling and repairing the Temple's roaming maintenance droids.

Lying on your bunk, you think back to your mission to Ansion, where you and Obi-Wan were joined by the Mirialan Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, and her Padawan Barriss Offee. The pretty olive-skinned girl seemed to find you strange to begin with, keeping her distance until the fight for Ansion's loyalty became more desperate, and by the time you were preparing to leave the planet she even had some flattering words for you. On the flight home, for perhaps the first time in a decade, you didn't dream of Padmé, but of the dusky Mirialan twirling her athletic body around a ring of fire, sending up pirouetting shadows against the walls... until the dream turned to the nightmarish vision of your mother's face, wracked in agony, before it shattered like glass.

You shiver, pushing the recurring nightmare from your mind. You need a distraction.

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Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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