The assistant reports the results of examining your trenchcoat

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:27, 30 June 2015 by Alicellette (Talk | contribs)

Status: Bottomless and almost late

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news", says the assistant, "but we found traces of an invasive pollen on your coat". "It'll take at least an hour to deep clean it" "I don't have an hour", you yell, "This is the last flight to my location". "Can't you make an exception?" "Nope", she relies. "You can either wait or go like that", she suggests cavalierly. Furiously, you storm through the security gates and head to your plane, covering your pussy as well as you can. "I was just kidding about that!", yells the assistant. But you don't hear her. "Should we go after her", asks the assistant. "Nah, she'll come back after she realizes she can't get on the plane like that.", responds the agent. You get to your gate and as soon as everyone sees you their jaws drop. You hear cat calls, whistles and the occasional insult from older people and mothers but you are too annoyed to care. You just want to be out of here. You show the gate security your boarding pass but he says "Sorry, I ain't gonna let you on the plane with no pants on. Rules are rules. You're lucky I don't get you arrested." Furious, you let him have it and swear to sue for what happened to you and report him, the agent, and the assistant to their managers. "Okay, okay, you can go on ahead, ma'am", he sweats, "Sorry for what happened". You go through the gate and find your seat. You don't want to admit it but you're kind of getting used to being bottomless. And you absolutely loved how you were able to assert yourself and take command of the situation while wearing only a bra. You sit down and settle in for the ride. What happens next?

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