Town: It's horrible, forcing those people to fight

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You take a good look at Lisa as you mull over the answer. She is very beautiful with dark brown hair and gray eyes and lips that you have been wanting to kiss for some time now but you never really though that the two of you had a chance as her father hates you and your family and that was simply because your mother,god rest her soul, choose your father who came from lower end of the spectrum compared to Lisa's father who could recite his ancestry back seven generations but you are brought out of your thoughts by Lisa snapping her fingers in front of you and after apologizing for your runaway thoughts,repeats her question. "It's horrible,forcing them to fight like animals.",you say and upon seeing Lisa's quizzaled face,you elaborate,they are doing this but there is no future for them in the Fringe,no work opportunities and what work there is doesn't even pay for the basic necessities that they so desperately need. I mean that if we gave them the tools to better themselves,then the Arena wouldn't need to be open anymore and we could utilize the space for something else than giving into the desire of seeing people beat the shit out of them for money. You suddenly shut your trap when you realize that Lisa hadn't said anything and begin to sweat as you hoped that you hadn't offended her with your answer.

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