Get everyone in the station immediately.

From Create Your Own Story

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You throw the car in park, and demand everyone get out. No time to think, no time to argue. You throw open the driver's door, and head for the station with the lot of them in tow. You tug on the door, silently hoping it's unlocked, and find that it is. A miracle. Or a bad omen.

You slink into the station with the family behind you, and find a deadbolt lock on the inside. You turn it, then pause to catch your breath. "Everyone alright?" You ask. Everyone replies that they are. You finally step through them to look at the station house, and find that only a single light is on inside, and it's a flashlight that's lying on the floor. You pick it up and hand it to Mrs. Park.

"We need to find the most secure room in the place," you say. "We split up, and we grab any clothing or weapons we find. Food and water too. Then we hide out in the room for the rest of the night." Everyone nods. "Clear on this?" you ask. Everyone nods again.

You and Melanie go off, leaving Mrs. Park and her family to search the other side of the station. Your side, the east side, contains the lock-up area, which is empty completely and looks old and rusty, a set of bathrooms, and two small offices. There's not a sound in the hallway, and you listened intently.

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