Continue Eastern coastline

From Create Your Own Story

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"Nya!" She stands deeply in the sand of the east coast beach. Two weeks had passed since Nya first popped into your life and while it hasn't been easy you managed to keep well under the radar since you jumped the gorge. Back tracking and keeping to back roads made the trip all the longer and slightly more expensive than you would have liked but it kept you from getting a bullet in your head and Nya in steel shackles. While the trip of continuously looking over your shoulder has proven tiring but Nya herself seems to be having a hell of a good time seeing places she hadn't even thought possible.

Seeing the ocean for the first time was a site that took Nya's breath away, looking back now you grin at her wide eyes expression when her eyes laid onto the vast blue waters, their rolling wave, and where the ocean seemed to melt into the sea.

Sitting in the sandy dune you keep a watchful eye on Nya as she plays joyfully in the sand, somewhere between rolling about in the grainy stuff and trying to eat it she learned she could create things from it. You're not one for the sand, you enjoy the sites of a beautiful sun set with stars poking their way into existence its little bit messy for you.


Running up to you with sand kicking everywhere Nya takes a hold of your hand and drag you down towards the water. At first Nya didn't wish to get to close to the massive volume of water so you suggested she play in the sand but now it seemed like she wanted to. With haste she pulls you along as you try to keep your balance till you are faced with the rolling waves of the ocean.


The joy in her voice seemed to be zapped. Taking a hold of her hand you guide her slowly towards the waters edge, inch by inch she follows you but with every coming wave she dances away as if its chasing her. It takes some time but seeing the way you let the waters roll over your feet she eventually stays by your side.

Once she feared but quickly she is dancing around in the water with joy. Splashing the cold salty water on her Nya squeals loudly at the water dotting her skin soaking her slightly before she start splashing back at you. Shortly it becomes a splashing fight until you rush towards her, picking her up in your arms you fall backwards into the water creating a large splash and completely soaking the both of you.

Choking, soaking wet and laughing the both of you crawl out of the water and collapse onto the soggy sand. You never thought about it before but its not that you hated the beach, you just never had anyone to go with to have fun. As a kid you went to hang out with friends, sure but you were the loner, the one that sat back and watched other from a far; now you know what it feels to have someone to have joy with.

Rolling over on top of you Nya purrs softly under the rushing ways, her deep blue eyes matching the ocean behind her.

"Hello there."

You grin sheepishly as she leans in with a long kiss, her soft lips brushing against you jaw as she giggles softly. Resting on top of you the two of you rest for a little while, she purrs softly as you play with her furry ears.    

Usually you would be concerned with Nya going around with her hood on but this time a year no one came to the beach, which would explain why the water was so cold.

Soaked from the cold waters of the north the two of your find yourself huddled together in another hotel room, having bought new clothes along the way you sit in dry clothes while the other dry in the bathroom. Normally Nya tends to watch her little kiddy shows but this time around you watch a movie, its a comedy most of which Nya doesn't understand but she laughs when you laugh so she seems to be enjoying herself. Blanket pressed up to her chin and your chest the two of you hold hands under the warmth of the sheets.

You do enjoy the time together but being on the run like this is costly, gas, hotels, clothes, food, and random things that Nya wants is creating a hole in the very small budget you have, not to mention that you have run out of land to travel and the days are getting colder. There needs to be something, something you can do, the idea of witness protection comes to mind but you're not even sure who is after you it could be the government for all you know and if they see what Nya really is... well they'll do what the government does.

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