Take a left turn.

From Create Your Own Story

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With the road being as straight as it is their car would catch up with you in no time. Taking a hard left Nya quivers in her seat trying not to scream but you can tell she very much wishes to. Blowing dust and dirt into the air you manage not to flip the car in the rapid turn to your own surprise and burn rubber down the side road.You don't need to look back to know if the other car is following you, if they want her they will do all they can to get her.

The road continues into a deeply wooded area becoming difficult for you to drive down, bumpy conditions, bad road, is not a good mix for rubber city tires. Roaring down the road you don't give in nor do you take your foot off the accelerator, you know its dangerous but those chasing you are most likely just as much.

Driving deeper into the woods the road becomes more windy with each passing minute and you know the distance between you and them is closing in. Its then that the landscape changes into more of a valley setting, though its not massive in comparison to the ones out east the change is enough for you to take notice. As the trees thin out and move lower from the road you spot an up coming bridge, or at least what is left of one. From the looks of it the poor wooden structure hasn't been used in many years but its the large gap between the two side of the bridge that pulls your attention away from the car behind you.

Its a large gap, each to for at least two buses end to end to fit between... but you can't stop can you? It's not just you that you need to worry about, if you stop now you can avoid the jump but they are just behind you....

Do you:

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