Get something to eat?

From Create Your Own Story

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Its been some time since your real last meal, there were snack stops along the way to the hotel but nothing that anyone would ever consider a full actual meal.

"Hey Nya are you hung-" Before you can even finish your sentence the T.v is off and Nya is standing by the door once again.

"Food is the word my lady." You laugh hard as you take your stuff and leave the room.

It was later in the day and the hotel breakfast was well and done with, taking stock of the local area you spot a small restaurant nearby, you know the prices will be jacked up with the hotel being so nearby but it will still be cheaper than hotel room service. Once seat and order placed you chat with Nya for a little while, its all one sided but Nya throws in random "nya's" every once and awhile to add to the conversation.

Like a vacuum Nya devours everything on her plate in a matter of minutes before she leaves her side of the booth to sit with you, your not quite sure if she actually just wants to sit with you or eat your fires but you let her have both as you slide your fries over to her. Munching them with delight you ponder again, you already know your heading south but where that will lead you once you're there your not quite sure.

Finishing your meal you head back to the hotel letting Nya take a shower while you plan out the route on "your" phone. It's pretty much a straight shot south down the road... but if someone was tailing you... they might try to stop you later down the road... paranoid again but its helped you in the past.

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