Take her to a hotel.

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Ah that's funny of you to think that you could afford a hotel on your wages, however a motel would better fit your price range till you figure out just what to do. Taking her in your grasp she follows in your stride, every one and awhile you feel her body shiver but there's little else you can do about that other than hold her close... well there is one thing you can do. Stopping for a moment you let go of her hand and take your jacket off, in an instant all the heat that had been trapped around your chest dissipates leaving a chill digging into your bones. Fighting off the cold and rain with shear will power you wrap the jacket around her, though its not much it beats the ragged, torn clothes she is wearing.

"Better I hope." You comment taking her hand once more.

Whether she appreciates the gestures your unsure as she keeps her head bent over at the ground, shrugging you make your way down the street to a nearby motel. Keeping your eyes alert you find yourself there soon.

It's nothing to write home about but the room will do, simple furnishings, one bed, one out of date Tv and a bathroom. The desk clerk was suspicious of a man and someone whose height appeared to be a child but gave you the room away. Plopping down on the edge of the bed you sigh deeply thinking of what your doing here and why you had done anything in the first place. Standing at the door the girl seems unsure to make any moves, hugging the wall like a vine. Eyes cast down, shivering slightly you wonder what brought her to end up like this.

"So what's your name?" You ask her casually but she doesn't speak, she doesn't move, her face still hidden from view.

"Alright then... you hungry?" You question hoping that a hot meal will boost her move. It was hard to tell but you think that she nodded at the question given her lack of movement.

With no room service to be found at this dinky place you order a pizza from your phone, though its last gen it works just as well as the newer versions and probably the most expensive object you own. While you waited for the delivery driver to arrive you try to talk to her some more but every question is met with silence you're beginning to wonder if she can speak at all.

When the knock came at the door you jump back in shock as she dashes away in a burst of speed, you hardly could see her as she dashed into the bathroom leaving you speechless but also surprised. Paying for the pizza you set it down on a cabinet and peer into the bathroom to see her cowering in the bath tub shaking, not from the cold but from fear as you can see it in her eyes.

"Hey, hey... it's alright." You coax her with a gentle voice but it doesn't seem to do much.

"Come on, lets eat, and maybe talk... if you want." Reaching out you offer her your hand but she doesn't so much as look at you as she sits there shaking.

Bring her the box you sit on the toilet and start to eat, either she'll eat or she wont, your not gonna force her any here. After some time her body stops shaking with fear and she slide towards the open box as it sits on the edge of the tub. Digging in quietly she devours whatever you didn't touch in a matter of minutes leaving her face covered in sauce and cheese; shes adorable making you laugh softly.

"Maybe you should shower off, hot shower, and Ill try to dry your clothes off." You suggest.

Nodding gently she reaches under her shirt to being take it off but not before you blurt out for her to stop making her jump slightly.

"Sorry for scaring you but not in front of me." You blush as you take the empty box out into the main room.

"Geez, no social skills or what?"

The shower starts up and after a few minutes you quickly slip inside the room once more to grab her clothes. While bending down to take the wet clothes you spot her still house through the shower curtain, its a fuzzy picture but you make out a good portion of her body... something seems off in the foggy curtain with her back side and head but you shrug it off thinking it nothing but the water vapor. Your sense get the better of you as you leave the bathroom quickly. Crudely hanging up the clothes under the heater vent you place them there to dry. Time ticks by leaving you alone for quite a while, you being to wonder if there is going to be any hot water left afterward. Laying down on the bed your thoughts take you over before you find yourself passing out.

Your not sure just how long you were sleep for but a the pressure of something against your side breaks you gently from your sleep.

"Huh?" Groaning your eyes open up to see her standing at your side fully nude, it takes a few seconds before you realize just what your seeing before you wake up in shock.

"Whoa! Kinda... wasn't expecting that." It seems she has no issues with walking around naked which begs the question as to why that is. You go to speak once again but something prodding from the top of her head calls your attention causing your lips to lock together. Ears. Not where one would expect them to be but placed on top of her head like some kinda of head gear; at first you think they are fake but a small twitch from them confirms that they are real.

"What... are those?" The question sounds dumb but your not really sure what else to say in the moment. Seeing that shes starting to shiver once more you do your best to push all the questions out of head for the time being. Standing up slowly you go to check her clothes, while they are warmer and drier than they were before they are no where near where they need to be, if she wore then now she would just end up getting sick.

Turning around you notice that she is no longer where she once stood but is instead tucked deep under the cover where you where laying. It must have been warmth she was looking for and she found it.

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