The father

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:15, 3 April 2015 by Aperson (Talk | contribs)

You go over to the father. "Who are these people?" you ask.

"Survivors", he replies. "I'm Joel. Me and my wife are farmers. That man over there, Alan", he says, pointing at the middle aged man, "is a member of the council, but he's been very tight-lipped about what he actually does. He's here with his niece. I dunno what happened to her parents, but given the situation, I wouldn't ask. Edward over there is training to be a Guard, but seems a bit of a dick to me. Elaine's a Weaver", he said, waving in the direction of the old woman, "she arrived with Alan too."

Do you talk to...


Alan's niece


The young girl


You take it upon yourself to organise the group

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