Keep Tyler home from school.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:22, 2 April 2015 by Xelnaga92 (Talk | contribs)

You squeeze the boy even tighter, crushing your huge tits into his tiny body and whisper into her ear. "Well maybe it would be OK if you were just a little late for school, huh?" You say seductively before kissing him a few times on his neck and cheek, sending a shiver throughout his body, one that makes your pussy moist. You quickly go through Jessie's mind and find the name of the bus driver and reluctantly turn Tyler loose, standing up and take his hand, turning your attention briefly to the driver. "Hey Becky.., I am just going to take Tyler in myself." You say innocently enough, giving the woman and gentle wave. She returns the gesture and closes the bus door and drives off leaving you alone at this rather out of the way house with a pretty excited little boy.

Tyler takes off towards the house and quickly slips inside as you follow slowly behind. You move your hands up your body and grab your tits through your loose robe and give them a delightful squeezing before finding you nipples and starting to tweak them hornily. As you walk to the house you are all too aware that as you move your robe is slipping more and more open, exposing more and more of your voluptuous curves. By the time you enter the house your sexy body is barely covered and your nipples are hard, pointing sharply through the material of the robe as you look at the boy hungrily.

Tyler is in the center of the living room looking at what remains of your prison. "Mommy, I am really sorry about your present." He whimpers picking up the globe and examining it before replacing it on the coffee table before turning back to face you.

"That's OK my love..., I am sure that we can think of something for you to give me for my birthday that will be way better than that." You assure him in your most sultry voice as you slowly start to walk towards him. You can feel the robe starting to slip from your breasts even more, threatening to expose your painfully hard nipples.

Tyler beams at your response, his eyes locked on your tits, as if trying to will the garment open with the power of his mind. "What would you like to do for you birthday mommy?" Tyler finally manages to say in a very bright tone of voice.

'I want to rip your fucking clothes off and spend the entire day molesting every square inch of your body before I fuck myself silly....., on that rather impressive cock that's tenting your slacks.' You think to yourself as you observe the size of the bulge that staring at your barely covered body has caused. As much as you want to rape him right here and now, you have to admit that teasing him a bit first sounds kinda fun as well.

So you:

Host Jessica Enhancements:

Enlarged, firmer breasts. Increased pheromones, Increased vaginal control, Reproductive control

Gender Female
Age 31
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Steven
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