
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:49, 16 March 2015 by JohnsInflatedEgo (Talk | contribs)
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Great, Now that we have that out of the way, tell me which of these sound nice to you:

You were born the daughter of a knight, and raised as such. You were given a tutor, who schooled you on many topics including math and science, which not many girls in this time were taught. Your father was a wealthy man, and you were rather spoiled when it came to getting what you wanted, until: At the age of eight you were kidnapped by your fathers enemies. They didn't kill you, in fact they treated you very well. They raised you on the farm where they kept you, holding you ransom for a sum of money you father never sent. As you grew on this new farm, you had to become accustomed to the less favorable treatment that most common-folk had to deal with. Once you came of age, and grew from a child into an adult, one of your captors attempted to take you to the barn and rape you. Before he could, you managed to kill him using a wood axe. You had a chance to escape and you took it, and one of there horses as well. You are now on your own, with nothing, and want very much to get back to your family.

You grew up on your families farm, never received much in the way of an education, never had very much wealth. Your father died when you were 15 years old, and your mother was forced to sell the farm. To your luck, it happened that the land value was much higher than anyone in your family ever dreamed, and your mother got a large amount of money for selling it. After buying a shoppe in a near town, and opening a tavern of her own, you decided to take some of what you considered yours, and start an adventure for yourself.

You discovered that you had an attractive voice at a young age, and sang as often as you could, learning many songs along the way. When a new tavern opened up around the corner from your home, you struck a deal with the owner to sing to her guests for money. Because you had always had such a god given talent, you never found much value in academics, and instead built a knowledge in people. Knowing how they think, how they work. You soon found that you could get just about anyone to do just about anything just by talking to them. Life was good for you, but then you got tied up in a conspiracy.

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