Do you think I am beautiful?

From Create Your Own Story

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"Truth or dare, Tyler sweetie."

"Truth!" Tyler says confidently.

So cute... You think to yourself. As much as you enjoy a good tease there are sometimes you can appreciate getting right to the point. "Do you think I am beautiful?"

You question makes Tyler's eyes slowly roam up and down your body, lingering for a moment on your breasts and thighs. He glances at his mom, turning slightly red around the cheeks, before returning his attention on you. Still unable to get an answer out of him, you get up to do a slow turn around, allowing him to look at your body at all angles. You then lean way far down, hanging your tits to exaggerate your cleavage. That finally hoaxes a respond from him. "I think your gorgeous." The boy finally manages.

Cindy squealed in delight. "I'd have called him out had he said anything else." She giggled.

With that answer behind him, Tyler has earned control of the next request.







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