My next door neighbors\Get into your work-out clothes

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A chance to go jog with a woman this hot? Who in their right mind will say no? You tell her to hold on for just a few minutes and then you rush to your room. Stripping off your boxers, you realize that you've been standing almost naked in front of your hot new neighbor... Just hope she liked what she saw!

In a few moments you're done and meet Brenda at the door. You're dressed in briefs, running shorts and a t-shirt, after closing and locking the door, you both walk to the sidewalk and start to do light stretching. After a few moments both of you are ready to go jogging and off you go.

You are fit and keep that way by jogging, spinning or running on your treadmill. You also have a few sets of weights which you use to stay in good shape. Clearly Brenda likes to keep in shape as well and you gain a healthy respect for her bra, which had to be a sports-bra, as the two of you jog along, chatting away, you notice that her voluminous breasts did not bounce around uncomfortably. Oh of course they still jiggled deliciously under the loose t-shirt, no bra alive would hold breasts like that stationary.

You find her company quite refreshing and only when you turned back into your street, you realized that the two of you have covered quite a distance. You slow down and walk the last hundred yards or so, giving your bodies time to cool down.

At your front-gate you:

My next door neighbors\Invite her in for a shower

My next door neighbors\Say that you'll see her again

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