Take Isabel directly to your home

From Create Your Own Story

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You're a bit tired from the vents of the day, and decide to just go straight home.

Your mom and dad look up at you when you enter, though your dad doesn't stop what he's doing, namely fucking your mom from behind. "A human," he observes. "She's cute."

"Not bad, son," your mom says. Then Dad thrusts into her hard, and she resumes moaning with pleasure.

You take Isabel to your room, lie her down on your bed and mate, slowly, with her. You're really feeling worn out, as it's been a long day. You bring her to about five climaxes before finishing in her, and she curls up against you as the two of you drop off to sleep.

The next morning, you wake feeling refreshed, let Isabel ride your cock (she sure got addicted quickly!), and take her downstairs.

Health Mated to Isabel Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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