Deprive Krystal of food until she complies

From Create Your Own Story

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Watching a person not eat is about as enjoyable as watching a pot of water boil. You find other things to occupy your time.

One month passes. Almost all of Krystal's time is spent in the cage naked. You rename her "Thor's Bitch," for now. It takes one week of not eating before Krystal finally complies to being a slave. Krystal is now completely broken, and complies with your every command. You have successfully brainwashed her.

When you are away from Krystal Lee, you spend a lot of your time with Jack Hill.

Jack and Krystal were engaged to be married, and you were supposed to be the maid of honor. You have known Jack much longer than Krystal has. You and Jack have been friends since kindergarten. He has always had a huge crush on Candy since you were teenagers, but Candy always kept things platonic. If there is one person who could steal Jack from Krystal, it is you.

During the passing month, you have had sex with Jack over a hundred times. Although you act like a dominatrix around Krystal, you are totally submissive with Jack. He is much happier with you than he was with the prudish Krystal.

Every night before bed, Krystal is forced to eat Jack's seed from your well-fucked pussy.

You finally decide to introduce Jack to Thor's Bitch. You clean Krystal up and lead her downstairs to the front door, telling her to assume the kneeling position directly in front of the door where she will be instantly visible to whoever enters. Krystal positions herself beside you and to the right. She is as naked as the day she was born.

"When you hear that door latch turn, I want your nose on the floor, hands down, palms flat. Do you remember what you're to say?"

"Yes, Mistress Candy."

"Don't fuck it up or I'll punish you severely," you snarl.

Slowly the minutes tick away. Krystal sits uncomfortably on the floor, with you calmly standing beside her. Both of you are totally nude.

After about ten minutes, the door announces a presence outside and you give Krystal her command. Krystal quickly bends forward, pressing her nose to the floor, her hands to each side of her head, palms flat on the cool tile.

The door swings wide open.

"Welcome home, Master," Thor's Bitch says loudly with her face to the floor. "How may I serve you?"

"Yes, welcome home Master," you echo with your head and upper torso bent towards him. "What is your pleasure?

"Well this is a pleasant surprise! Thank you, Candy," Jack grins enthusiastically.

"No need to thank your servants, sir. Now, if it pleases you, dinner will be ready in one half hour. We will be serving in the dining room. May I suggest you retire to freshen up with a shower before dinner?"

"Ah, yes that would be fine." He chuckles a bit. "I have to admit I'm not used to this kind of attention, especially from two beautiful women. I could sure get used to it though."

"Sir!" you say, almost sounding shocked. "You are the master of us and you will be treated appropriately. We can't change the past but now that we're here we will serve you correctly. Isn't that right, Thor's Bitch?"

"Yes, Mistress Candy. Master, we are here to serve you."

"Well, this is great! But we can talk about it later. I think I will go upstairs and take a shower." Smiling down at Krystal, he walks past and heads up to the bathroom.

What will you do when Master gets out of the shower?

Do you:

You are possessing:
Candy Morgan
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