Carry on fucking Barbie slowly until you both cum

From Create Your Own Story

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It takes all your self-control, but you continue to fuck Barbie in the same slow, measured way even as your tongue probes her mouth wildly and she responds in kind by treating it like a cock to be sucked. You can tell that Barbie is enormously turned on by your dominating her by not just holding her down, but bringing her so firmly and insistently to greater and greater heights of arousal.

Eventually, you feel her pussy starting to clench tighter around you and you realise that she may even be about to cum before you. You break the long kiss you've been sharing and tell her, "Don't cum yet," the first words either of you has said for several minutes. Barbie just nods minutely in response, the submissive look on her face telling you that she definitely wants your pleasure to take priority.

That very feeling of having her submit to you completely, though, is enough to bring you closer to your orgasm, even as you keep your stroking all the way in and all the way out of her at the same leisurely pace as you started off with. You feel the familiar tightening in your balls and slide up inside her one more time. As you do, you bite her ear and say, "Cum for me. Cum all around my hard cock."

Barbie responds to your command, her pussy gripping your cock with an unbelievable tightness just as you explode inside her. Barbie groans and whimpers as her orgasm subsides. You kiss her again as you release her wrists, then move down to plant kisses on her nipples.

Barbie gives an incoherent yell and says, "Don't! Too sensitive ... all of me is too sensitive ... Just ..."

You roll off her and lie next to her, letting her come back to reality. After a little while, she props herself up on her side and looks at you adoringly. "Whoever said missionary was boring?" she says with a cheeky grin. "But we can do something else now if you'd like." She stifles a yawn. "Or maybe in the morning."

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Health Horny Location:

Barbie's Palace

MP 0
Level 4
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