Fuck Barbie slowly

From Create Your Own Story

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You ease your cock slowly into Barbie's pussy, savouring the changing sensations as you slide deeper inside her: first the tightness as you part her labia; then the feeling of her wetness all around you - she's very turned on by now, and has been for some time; then the slight roughness of her G-spot against your head and later the top of your shaft; and lastly the feeling of her completely surrounding you as you finally come to rest with your cock filling her.

Barbie remains silent throughout the whole process, obviously enjoying you taking complete control. Her wide eyes look up at you in rapturous submission, and widen further still when you start to slide back out in the same slow, measured fashion. When you slide all the way out of her, she makes a tiny disappointed moan, but stops again when you begin the whole process again - only this time the feeling of tightness as you first enter her is even greater, as she has become even more turned on.

This time, you lean down and kiss her fiercely as you come to rest deep inside her, letting your tongue express all the wild desire that you are deliberately keeping in check down below. Barbie moans into your mouth as your tongue lashes hers; first you lick all around the tip of her tongue as though it was her clit and you were going down on her, and then as you start to pull back out again, you thrust your tongue deep into her mouth. Barbie seems to pick up on what you were doing and treats your tongue to a simulation of a blowjob. While she does, you continue with your carefully paced but very thorough fucking of her pussy, and you can feel her getting closer and closer to orgasm each time you enter her.

You're getting close yourself, driven wild by the combination of the actual sensations of her pussy around your cock, and the imagined sensations of it being on the receiving end of the blowjob Barbie is continuing to give your tongue. It's getting harder and harder to keep control of the pace with which you are fucking Barbie.

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Health Horny Location:

Barbie's Palace

MP 0
Level 4
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