Decide against it and try to leave

From Create Your Own Story

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"You know what, I don't care. I ain't going to be blackmailed to do anything by you." You say confidently, preparing to leave. But Cameron places a hand on your shoulder.

"I realize I can't stop you," he says, "but just know: The last guy who didn't give me what I wanted ended up regretting it. I'd hate to have that happen to you; you have wonderful taste in music." He turns and strides from the room."

You spend the rest of the week looking over your shoulder, and the few times you do see Cameron, you're sure to avoid his gaze. On Friday however, as you walk from your locker to the choir room for fourth hour, you stop by the library to see your friend Emma. She's a freshman too, and you have a bit of a thing for her. She's about five inches shorter than you, and has slightly dark skin. Her black hair is long and straight, and although her breasts and butt are rather small, you still find her beautiful. As you talk, the bell rings, signaling students to head for fourth hour. As you stand to leave, Emma pipes up,

"You're headed to the choir room, right? My fourth hour's next door, wanna walk together?"

Accept her offer

Respectfully decline

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