Keep going! Why stop now?!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:17, 24 January 2015 by ThatOneWritter (Talk | contribs)

You grab your cock and start pumping away furiously. You cum again and again, covering the entire bathroom with your jizz. Finally, you pass out, mid-orgasm. You awake to the site of your hard cock still oozing cum. You sit up in the cum-filled tub. The tub is overflowing, the walls are covered, and there is 2 feet of cum pooling on the floor.

"The drains I installed couldn't handle at least THIS much?!" You say, annoyed. You shrug it off and smirk. It doesn't bother you that much, in fact, it turns you on a bit.

As you fondle your massive balls, you decide to:

Type of Cock Huge Balls Equipment:
Fuck Sessions 2
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