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From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:19, 12 January 2015 by Archaicrune (Talk | contribs)

You're driving, alone in the desert. Stars speckle the almost too-dark sky, and the moon hangs high overhead, illuminating the seemingly endless expanse of sand and road, which stretches on in the distance. The roof is down on your tan 62 series Cadillac, and the wind is brushing your hair into your eyes. You think offhandedly that it fits in, here in the emptiness of the endless. It is a cold night in the desert. You glance down at your phone screen, which displays the time as 10:42. "God damn it," you think. "I'm lost, aren't I." Your eyes are beginning to hurt from the amount of time they've been open, and staring at basically the same thing for eight hours. You definitely have a headache, and you're tired as fuck. There's really no point in driving much longer, unless you want to risk crashing into a cactus, or something.

- You continue driving, eyeing the gas meter nervously.

- Pull over. Maybe you can get some cell reception out here.

- You knew you shouldn't have trusted Dave with those directions.

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