Furry World/Feline/The huge stallion

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The dogs are the first ones to take advantage of you. Whenever you are served your bowl of slop, one of them has already added his special sauce to it - most often their sperm, though when they feel like you haven't been a good slut for them, they like serving you your meal swimming in their pee. You yourself are walked to another part of the facility where you can shit and pee in a dark hole in the ground about once per day. Other than that, you are fucked regularly, just about enough to satisfy your own cravings. Sometimes, Jezebel the cat comes by and has you lick her to an orgasm while she tortures you with nipple weights or her favorite whips.

In the permanent artificial twilight and your sexual haze, you can't be certain of the time that has passed, but it may have been two weeks. That's the first time you see the stallion again. Rick, as he has been called by the cat, doesn't waste much time talking. He just lifts you by your collar until you are face-to-cock with him, then presses you down on his giant cock. For the first time in a long while, you gag when the monstrous dick enters your mouth and the stallion holds you there for a few seconds, then withdraws, leaving you to catch your breath. Then, he roughly grabs your thighs and spins you around, ass in the air, perfectly positioned for getting fucked. Surely he can't think your tailhole could take his dick? Your musings are interrupted by his first thrust. You unconsciously clench your sphincter, which spares you the first time, but by the second, it gives way. The pain is at least as bad as when your balls were crushed and it only gets worse as the stallion shoves more and more of himself inside you. You howl and cry, but there's noone there to hear you and care about you and the only thing you can do is try to relax as well as possible and bear it. When Rick has pushed far more inside of you than you believed possible, he withdraws, but your hopes are dashed quickly when he sets a quick pace of fucking. Your eyes roll up and you grasp at his hands, kick at his legs, but you are as a doll to him. Finally, as he yet again quickens the pace, you feel him twitching and a deluge of cum floods your bowels. Midway though, he pulls out and shoots his sperm all across your back before he rolls you around to coat your tits and face. The mattress, already covered in dog cum, squelches with the new addition. "Guess you can lick yourself clean." are the only words the horse speaks to you before leaving. You just slump down, your fur matted against your body and your asshole gaping and leaking cum.

In the next three days, you are raped again and again by your equine captor. Then, two of the dogs return. When they spitroast you on their cocks as they usually do, the one behind you curses. "Crap, I barely feel her around my dick. Seems like Rick ruined another one." Indeed, you can barely get your sphincter to constrict around the doggie cock. The other just shrugs "Eh, whatever - you can have her mouth next, that still works fine." He slaps your cheek while looking down at you. "But just for that, you'll get a special meal tonight, stupid slut!"

The special meal turns out to consist not only of the dogs' pee, but of their shit as well. You stare at it in disgust, right until the watching horse pushes your face into the bowl and holds it there. Knowing about your captors' penchant for suffocating you, you immediately start drinking the piss to get some air, then eat the shit. You finish your humiliating meal with more piss to get the awful texture out of your mouth.

You don't get too many visits by the dogs any more after that, being shared by the cat and the horse. After about a week of horse fucks, Jezebel is sitting atop you again when she sniffs and looks between your legs. "Sissy, did you just shit yourself?" she asks. You know better than to answer her by now. "Damn it, you did." You try to squeeze your ass muscles, but they're hardly responding. She stands up and drags your head up by the chain to have you look. Indeed there are a few turds lying beside your asshole. "Ugh, now I'll have to take care of that problem too" she groans and starts to walk away from you. "When I get back, those gobs of shit will have dissappeared into your sissy mouth, is that clear?" You nod, having no intention to defy her will at all. You move over to the shit, only to notice that your chain doesn't quite let you reach it with your mouth. Sighing, you scoop it up with your hands, put it into your mouth and swallow it down. You've just made it when Jezebel reappears with a white package and a thin, evil-looking metal rod - and both two doges and the horse in tow. They waste no time in immobilizing you, the dogs spreading your legs while the horse puts a knee on your torso and holds your hands still. The cat looks down on you before explaining "See, we don't want you slut to stink up this place with your shit. That's why, from now on, you'll always be diapered. Of course, it would be a waste to just let you shit in there but still have to take you out for peeing, so you'll do that in there too." She brandishes the strange rod before your eyes. "And that means you'll no longer have to hold in your pee. This little instrument will now go in your pee hole through that silly little dicklet up to your bladder." She steps over to your groin. You can't see her because of the horse, but you feel her grasp your dick - claws out. You feel a slight piercing pain of cold metal as something goes down your urethra for quite some time. Then, a feeling of absolute fullness and having to pee immediately, though nothing comes out. And finally, a terrible pain. "Feel that?" The cat asks while you grimace. "That's your bladder's sphincter being destroyed. My instrument is a little smaller than Rick's cock, but I assure you, it's just as permanent. You'll never again be able to hold your pee. Say hello to incontinence!" she laughs. She leaves the rod inside you while taking the diaper out of the packaging. The dogs lift your legs as she shoves it under your ass, then lower you on it while she first removes the rod and then closes the front. Immediately, you feel your piss streaming out of you. You try clenching down, but it is as she said: You have entirely lost control over both your bladder and your bowels. The horse grins, then takes his knee off your chest and drags you up by your chain, in front of his cock. "I'll give you something to fill that diaper with" he says before your face is drenched in yellow. "Open up!" he commands and you do, the dick immediately plugging your mouth and streaming down your throat. You can only swallow as quickly as possible to avoid drowning. You cough and sputter your way through it, but finally, the torrent ends. Looking around, you see the dogs have their cocks out as well...

From now on, you start serving as the toilet of the group. You dread the opening of the door as it usually means another dose of piss or shit down your throat. Your diaper grows fuller and fuller, squelching with every movement, though barely ever leaking. Every two days, you are visited by the stallion and his routine never changes. First, he removes your diaper, using a glove to scrape most of the shit out of the fur around your ass. Then, he puts you up in his favorite fucking position. Your ass has grown used to him and by now you enjoy being filled - in fact, you feel quite empty without him. You could live with that, but he has to humiliate you further, because every time before his majestic cock plows your destroyed ass, he pushes your face in the filled diaper. As he thrusts into you, you breathe in the shit and pee of the last two days. You never dare to remove it. He greatly enjoys your humiliation and shit-muffled cries and soon cums, once more flooding your bowels with his sperm. Then, he takes the diaper off your face, puts it in a bag, takes a garden hose from the wall and starts to hose you down. The water is cold, if not freezing, but you enjoy the brief cleanliness, even the part where he shoves the hose up your ass, the water powerful enough to hurt. When all the shit, all the cum and piss is washed away into a drain on the floor, he changes you into your new diaper and your next two days as a feline toilet begin.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Naked, Metal Collar, Full Diaper

Gender Shemale
Species Feline
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