Blackmail her for a roll in the hay with Tyler.

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Given what you saw last night and the admissions she has just made to you there is never going to be a better opportunity to score a fucking from Tyler then right now. “You looked like you gave Tyler one hell of a fuck baby.., it’s a good thing no one else saw you screwing your 8 year old son, you could get into a lot of trouble for that.” You watch the color start to drain from Cindy’s pretty face. “I would sure hate for it to slip to Eric what mommy does to her little boy when he’s not around.”

You let that sink in for a few moments. “Stacy..., please. You can’t tell Eric, you can’t tell anyone.” You can see the wheels in Cindy’s head start to turn, contemplating just what could happen if the wrong people found out. Her breathing has picked up considerably causing her plump chest to heave.

“Don’t worry sweetie I don’t want to tell anyone, but there is something that I do want.” You tell her straight out, unconsciously starting to toy with a nipple through your blouse.

It doesn’t take more than a split second for Cindy to figure out exactly what is on your mind. “You want to fuck him..., don’t you?” she barely manages to get out in a whisper.

“You bet your big tits I do.” Cindy looks away. “Sweetie, it’s nothing really.., just a quick ride, just this once and then you never have to worry about any one finding out your addicted to your little boys cock.” Finally she looks up at you. “Hell, I’ll even let the two of you come over to my place and screw each there when you can’t get away from Eric.” She looks like she is ready to relent, her chest isn’t heaving quite as bad as it was. You’re ready to drive the point home. “You understand, don’t you sweetie? How it is for women like us. Who get all hot and horny for a boy’s hot little body? Besides, it’s not like I'll be making him do something he doesn’t want to do.” Once again you give her time to maul it over.

Finally, Cindy nods her head. “Ok..., just this once.” Her ice blue eyes dart around for a few seconds before settling back on you. “There is just one thing...” Cindy pauses, take a deep breath. “Can I watch?”

How do you respond?

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