Asking blonde girl (cheerleader)

From Create Your Own Story

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You open your mouth to ask the girl but she puts a finger to her lips and says "follow me". You follow the girl as she leads you out of the school and into the nearby forest, she then escorts you to a small cave like opening in the ground. You peer into it only to be violently shoved from behind. You fall into the hole and land in a sticky fluid, with a similar consistency to the semen you were still covered in, You look up to the girl but she is gone. You look around in the dark cave, but are unable to see anything due to the lack of light, wondering where this crazy day will lead you next when suddenly you feel something touch your leg in the goo, you scramble out of the pool and look back at it, but the cave suddenly lights up and you see 3 girls hanging from the walls, bellies slightly distended and all three holes filled with thick tentacles, you try to take a step back but 2 tentacles emerge from the pool and wrap themselves several times around your legs before one dives into your pussy widening it further and further while transferring bulges into your womb, the other penetrates your ass and you feel it going deeper and deeper until it is obviously in your intestines, more and more of the tentacle shoots into your ass until you feel a pressure against your throat and it shoots out your mouth. The tentacles than start to move around inside of you, and you can feel your body growing more and more sensitive as your entire body shudders with orgasm. This state of living, constant unbelievable pleasure, persists for what feels like weeks, but must really be only a few days, until you notice the tentacles on you begin to become transparent and dry. After noticing this you bite down and realise that your teeth are making an impression, you redouble your efforts until the tentacle breaks and you are able to close your mouth. over the next few minutes you feel the tentacles inside and around you crumble and ou regain your ability to move. YOU ARE FREE!

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