The person sitting next to you seems pretty smart. Cheating will guarantee an A.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:06, 30 October 2014 by Mcheez (Talk | contribs)

You cheat on the exam by copying the answers from your classmate. He breezes through the exam and leaves. You wait until everyone else has finished and left before you hand in your exam.

"I know that you cheated," the professor informs you.


"Do you know that you can be kicked out of this university if I report you for this?" he asks you.

Uh oh. This is bad.

"Please don't report me. I'll do whatever you need me to do if you could just let me off the hook this once."

"Well there's a favor you can do me," he quickly replies.

Where is this going?

"Well, uh, you could..." he nervously stammers

He collects himself and continues with more confidence, "you're possibly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Your face is more beautiful than an angel's. To be honest, I have dreamed of receiving a blowjob from someone with such perfect lips."

You're taken back. You've never in your life been told you were beautiful by someone outside your family. Is this what it's like to be beautiful?

You remember the deal with the angel. If he cums in your mouth, that will be a strike. But as long as he doesn't, you should be fine.

What will you do?

Accept his offer and get down on your knees
Reject his offer and ask if you can do something else

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