You hurt in your chest

From Create Your Own Story

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"Ah, yes... about that. You see, since you were mere seconds away from death, and with no way of repairing your body, I had to remove your soul, and create a new body for you. But, I made a mistake, and accidentally changed you into a woman. I'm sorry." the person says, who you are sure is man now.

Your eyes then focus, and looking down at you is not a man, orc, or elf, as you expected, but... a horse? No, a unicorn. He walks on two legs, and has the body of a tall, and muscular elf, but with only three fingers per hand, a horses tail and face. His hair is long and black, contrasting wonderfully with his white skin. Atop his head is a long spiraling horn, and just below it a diamond shaped blue gem embedded into his forehead. You've never thought of horses as particularly attractive before, but he is quite stunning to look at, you must say.

But what did he say? You're a woman now? You look down and you spot that you are indeed different. With brown skin, a pair of huge breasts, and... hooves on your feet? You then look at your hands, and like the stallion, you now have three fingers on each hand. Quickly, you feel your face, and it's that of a horses, and you also have a horn now. He's turned you into a mare unicorn.

Health mare unicorn Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 1
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