FH do it

From Create Your Own Story

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Your hand leaps forward and the spear fly out of your hand. The air whistles around it as it finds it's mark, your beloved sisters heart. It goes clean through her body before planting itself firmly in the wall behind your sister. A faint gasp is heard before your sister slumps forward and a steady trickle of blood flow onto the carpet. The castle guards show up, seeing what all the commotion was. They see you and their grim faces tell you that they think you are the worst kind of scum. They drag you away in chains and lock you in the dungeon. Kristoff, the only relative to the throne, is the king, but he never remarries, only grieves for his lost Anna.

One day, the guards come into your cell.

"It is time, Elsa." The grimly say, leading you out the hall and into a packed castle courtyard. You are to hanged for your crimes, murdering the princess. You are led to the center of the courtyard where the stand you on a stool. The executioner slides the heavy rope around your neck and binds your hands tightly behind your back. They read off your crimes and how sad they are and a bunch of other crap before the man comes up to you and kicks the stool out from under your feet...

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