Anarchist Party (Baxter Helsing)

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The United States has fallen into Anarchy with the election of Baxter Helsing, who signed the declaration of Universal Independence (he came up with the title) into law the day he was inaugurated and announced it over the radio shortly after. The declaration gave all rights to individuals, allowing the existence of other governing entities within the United States but no actual United States. Gangs, clans, and tribes formed all over the nation. Gardeners banding together to attempt to provide for all of their neighbors. Without government incentives to stay in a destroyed country, many international companies left or died out. With no real value in money, local businesses and corporations fell apart as well. Fuel was used up in a matter of months and electricity was gone for good.

By 1944, three new nations, glorified tribes, really, had come into being. The Klan Nation of the One True Race are exactly what they sound like and is located in Oklahoma City. The Universalist Nation is an all-accepting, community-based nation composed of three small farming communities so far not unlike Amish communities except without any religious obligations or standard attire. The Revival Nation of Freethinkers is a single community built in the ruins of Boston, which was destroyed in a number of violent riots, and is composed of scientists, professors, machine workers, electricians, and a few biologists.

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