Have a closer look at Aya
From Create Your Own Story
Aya is on the panel nearest you; as you approach her you see she is alert but unresponsive, gazing at the coruscating blue sphere at the center of her room. You notice at the center of each of her pupils a spark of light that jumps in intensity together with the ambient illumination coming from the crystals around the room. Aya's hands are pinned above her, manacled to the polished crystal panel, which is angled slightly back. Following her pretty brown skin, you see her areola are encircled by two purple crystal clamps that crackle with an inner energy. From each of these, a spiderweb of fine silver chains that radiate across her breasts and disappear into the crystal panel behind her. Waves of light roll across each chain in no particular hurry from the clamps holding her nipples, which are extremely erect, and into the panel.
Aya's maidenhood has been shaven, and above it hovers a glass lens. This lens seems to function partly as a channel for the energy streaming from the sphere, as it continues through toward her skin. The lips of Aya's sex are engorged and firmly planted around the hexagonal crystal spear protruding from the floor in a wet kiss. Two more glass lenses hover on either side of Aya's temples, causing more of the blue energy from the central crystal sphere to flow into them. Aya shows no reaction to this predicament, gazing only at the spherical crystal with a far-off look. The other maids appear the same. This gives the empty panel in the second room an ominous portent.
Anger fills your chest at seeing your friend so diminished.
"Some vile sorcery is underway" Duran states the obvious, noticing your attention to your friend with some sympathy.
The man at the end of the hall mutters something and strokes his chin, completely ignoring Duran and his sixteen armed guard.
Have Duran's guard put an end to the man at the end of the hall, who obviously must be the sorcerer
Status | ||
Health | 100 | Equipment:
Heavy Dress, Expensive Jewelry, Artful Dagger, Fur-lined cloth boots |
Stamina | 35 | |
Mood | Angry | Inventory:
none |
Purse | 1050, 00, 00 |