What the fuck is going on? Get the hell out of here NOW!

From Create Your Own Story

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You're fine with worshiping Satan, but this. THIS is too much for you. You're going crazy.

You rise to your feet and take a few steps, unsteady on your feet. You look back at Karin. She's moved into a position on all fours, facing the exit like you. It's then that you take a look behind her, at the statues. The stone chains are broken from the larger statue's hands and the two smaller statues are gone. You glance up at the ceiling and it has become a mass of actual writhing snakes. You reach down to pull Karin up, and that's when it happens.

Two massive creatures jump up onto the stone alter platform. You freeze in terror. They're the statues. Or, they were. Now, they're living breathing creatures, staring at you. They take a step forwards tentatively, and you're still frozen.

Karin looks back at the beasts, and to your surprise, seems excited. "Yes, my masters. Come, reward your concubines." she purrs.

"This is insane," you think to yourself, "I've completely lost my mind."

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