Victim: Go to the station

From Create Your Own Story

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You are shocked at first but as you begin to process their request you become quite embarrassed. The only clothes you are wearing is evidence and now they want to take you downtown for questioning. Well it isn't like you have much of a choice, not that you'd want to resist anyway, but you'd better get some clothes first. You look meekly at the ground and say "Fine but before you collect your 'evidence' any chance I can get some clothes." The police officer's face turns red after he realizes that is all you are wearing (the jacket covers just about as much as your party dress did). "Uh... Of course... He stammers and heads back down the ally towards his car. The other two officer's remain behind and something about the way they are staring at you makes you feel quite... uncomfortable.

Do they:

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 25 "Evidence"
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