You beat the bad guy; or do you? Bad guys do tend to come back in these stories

From Create Your Own Story

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You rise to your feet, preparing to launch into a flying leap at the maniac. Suddenly there's a blur of motion from behind him. A hatchet swings through the air and separates his head from the rest of his body.

As the headless body falls to the ground, a grinning Andrew smiles at you. "Glad I was here."

Jackie steps forward and chops off the corpse's limbs with a large axe. "Just to be on the safe side." She and Andrew share a kiss.

Tomas and Chris appear. Tomas gathers the severed head and limbs and piles them onto the corpse's torso. Chris douses the remains with gasoline and lights them with a match. The corpse of the maniac burns up. The flesh sizzles and falls off the the charred bones.

"He ain't ever coming back," Tomas chuckles.

A dark figure, wreathed in flames and with horns on its head, gathers from the charred remnants. Its eyes are pure fire. "You may have destroyed the body I was inhabiting," it hisses, "but I will find another within a few months. I will return eventually!"

Chris smiles. "I don't think so, demon."

"And what are you going to do to prevent it, skinny mortal female?"

"This," Chris snarls. She whips out a jug from behind her back and dumps it over the demon's head. With a horrible scream, the demon's body is rent apart. With its dying breath, it hisses, "Holy... water... how..."

Chris smiles. "It's nice to be the niece of a preacher sometimes."

She pairs off with Tomas, and you with Nikki. You return to camp and three happy couples make love under the stars all night, safe in the knowledge they destroyed a demon.

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:You (a guy who likes girls), Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie
Dead:No one... yet
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