Fight the man with the machete

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:53, 23 June 2014 by SergeantC (Talk | contribs)

You step in between Nikki and the maniac and kick out powerfully, aiming for the maniac's left knee. It is a good target because his left leg is planted firmly on the ground, and he is planting more of his weight on it.

You feel your foot connect with the creep's knee, but you can't be sure if you did any damage. Worse, you feel fire in your left arm as the creep swings his machete into your left shoulder.

You push upward, and dive to the ground. The maniac got you in the left shoulder. It hurts, and you can't move it very well. Worse, the maniac doesn't seem to be feeling anything after your kick. He steps toward you, swinging his machete as you scramble off the ground and back onto your feet.

You are vaguely aware that Nikki is still screaming, still standing stock still with her hands covering her tits. Her eyes are as wide as saucers, and she is staring at you and the maniac. "Help me out here," you shout. "Do something!"

Then you turn your attention back to the maniac. You are vaguely aware that Nikki is no longer screaming, and has in fact moved away from the spot she was rooted to, but you are too busy fighting for your life to be aware of anything else.

The maniac raises his machete. He swings again. You raise your arms, wondering how you can block that sharp steel blade with your bare hands.

You wonder how you can fight this guy, wonder how you can win.

How does the fight go?:

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:You (a guy who likes girls), Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie
Dead:No one... yet
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