Back out of the room(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

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You back out of the room quickly and slowly close the door just as it clicks shut you knock loudly to disguise the noise, "One second." You hear his muffled voice behind the door, and a few seconds later he opens the door the towel now wrapped around his waist. "Yes Emma is dinner already ready?"

"No I just found this downstairs, mind you the shirt could do with washing." You say handing him the suit but extract the shirt "And anything else."

"The laundry facilities were poor at my last place of residence but you've done enough already."

"Well how about your work clothes you can't put them back in your cases without them transferring dirt and smells across."

"Okay I'll just get them." He turns and you notice the towel barely reaches around his waist and he's holding it with one hand as he walks away from you as he drops out of sight you lean in slightly to watch him, after struggling to put down the suit and pick up his dirty clothes as he does so the towel slips off of his waist he quickly picks it up but not before you've seen him naked this time from the rear you fight an overwhelming urge to go into the room and throw yourself at him. You just manage to pull your head back as he turns around and soon he's back handing you his clothes. "Thanks Emma, do you think you'll have them ready for the morning?"

"If I put them on now it shouldn't be a problem, dinner will be a few more hours is that okay?"

"Oh that's fine it will give me a few hours to relax, I don't suppose you have any beer?"

"No but as soon as I've put Joe to bed I can go out and get some, that is of course if you don't mind keeping an eye on him? He'll be no trouble."

Does he say?

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