Unwritten/Chun/Pick one guy and ignore the other two

From Create Your Own Story

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You focus your attention on one guy and the other two soon get the picture, returning their attention to the other two girls. The six of you hang out in the pool for a while, flirting and teasing eachother. eventually you all decide to get out together, you accompany the guy back to his car and sit next to him in the front while the other two girls squeeze in the back with the boys. You smirk to yourself a little, you managed to pick out the best one in the group as per usual.

A short drive later you arrive at a decent-looking house in the next district, seems like the only went to that dump to pick up some easy girls. you get out of the car and the lot of you start your own little party in the living room, booze and probably spiked food soon have you going light in the head and the party is turning into an orgy fast.

You :

You relax and enjoy the party, it's not like you came here to play the prude.

Pick the guy you came here with apart and find a more private spot.

Get wasted on the booze and whatever it is they put in the food.

Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top

Stamina 80
Morale 70 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 795$
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