You don't get far before he's chasing you.

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked, bound, and running for your life

After only a brief moment or two of flight, you hear rapid footsteps behind you. It's him! He's chasing after you! And, you realize with a sob, that it's only a matter of time before he catches you.

You lie dazed on the ground, your heart pounding wildly from your frantic run and the terror of what your assailant will do to you. He glares murderously down at you, his breath ragged with rage and exertion. "A shame you made me lose my knife, bitch," he hisses. "That would've been quick. Now it's gonna be nice and slow."

He slams his foot between your thighs with all his might, causing you to scream in pain before you black out. You feel certain, just as everything is about to go dark, that you'll never wake up again.

Miraculously, you do wake up after all...only you're still naked, and you're now tied to a tall sapling. Your wrists have been re-tied around the tree, and additional bonds wrap around your body above your breasts - and between in an X-shape - your waist, thighs, and ankles. You struggle in your bonds, but all you can do is move your head and shake your breasts in the process. Your body is sore from the creep beating and raping you earlier. Oh God, is he just going to leave you out here to starve? Or just make sure you're helpless while he cuts your throat?

The man, seeing you're now awake, begins piling dried firewood around the tree and your feet until the pile is midway up your shins. "Thanks for blacking out," he says with a sneer. "I had the time to go back for more rope...and this."

He holds up a canister of gasoline, and your eyes widen in horror as you realize what he's going to do! He's going to burn you alive! You shake your head, beg and plead into your gag as horrified tears stream down your face. He douses the wood at the base of the makeshift stake with gasoline, and then he douses you. It's cold against your body, and your nipples harden painfully. "That should do it," he says. "I don't want you dying of smoke inhalation before the fire has a chance to do its job. Just one more thing, then it's showtime."

He pulls the gag out of your mouth. "Now you can scream all you want," he says. "No one'll hear you."

He's probably right, but you scream incoherently anyway, desperate for help, or mercy, anything that will spare you this fate!

The creep kneels down besides the wood and begins scraping two rocks together. Soon there's a spark, and then the wood at your feet is blazing away within moments. You scream louder and in more agony than ever before in your life as the fire engulfs your feet and spreads up your body. You almost black out when the fire reaches your crotch, incinerating your pubic hair and leaping between the clefts of your ass-cheeks and your pussy lips, charring your clitoris. You're desperate for death, for the agony to end as the flames reach your fantastic breasts, the huge orbs blistering and popping as the fire consumes them.

Just before you finally expire, you morbidly become aware of the irony of being burned to death on the hottest day of the year.


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