Unwritten/Chun/Vampire/sleep out of sight

From Create Your Own Story

You enter the back alley and look for a spot where you're out of sight. Fatigue overtakes you and you lie down on the hard concrete, huddling in a corner for protection from the cold breeze. This is worse than sleeping out in the woods, and it's colder here too. You lie there shivering for a bit, unable to sleep despite your fatigue.

Then you realize why the homeles people you saw earlier where sleeping out in the open. A bunch of thugs walks up to you and there's nowhere to run nor anyone around to stop them. You're far too weakened to resist either so all you do is heave a sigh when the thugs approach you.

One of them smirks and jeers at you. "Now That doesn't look comfortable." You smile ruefully, that's certainly true enough. They close in on you, wearing evil grins that get even bigger when they get close enough to realize you're a girl. One of them grabs a handfull of your hair and pulls you to your feet. You try to look away but he grabs your chin and forces you to look him in the face.

Holding your head so close to his, you can smell his foul breath. Stinks of alcohol and rotting teeth. He seems happier by what he sees as he smiles his ugly smile, showing off his missing teeth and turns to the others. "We got ourselves a looker 'ere." he cheers. This gets the attention of their 'leader' and he pushes the other guy aside.

He studies you for a bit, then says "The boss will want to see her." He sees the expressions of the other two and adds "unmolested" in a tone that brooks no objections. If you didn't know better, you'd think you were saved. Offcourse whatever this 'boss' had in mind for you was probably much the same or even worse. Nothing to do about it tho, you can hardly move so it's not like you could fight or escape.

Resigned to your fate, you let them carry you back to their 'bos'.


Health 20 Equipment:

Torn Old blouse and skirt

Stamina 10
Morale 10 Inventory:


Money 0$
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