D&D: Struggle and get raped

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:04, 7 May 2014 by Gougounne (Talk | contribs)

You start to step backward and look at the two thieves who brought you here:"You shouldn't have done this". You try to be threatening but you feel all eyes converge on you. You keep stepping back towards the alley to exit but you suddenly back up against a very buffed man. Before you can react and cast a spell, he quickly reach in and immobilise you while putting his hand on your mouth. You struggle against your opponent but he strongly overpower you and you are helpless for now. The other thieves quickly reach you and start to disarm you of your wand and your other garment, leaving only your robe and your heels. A blindfolds is wrapped around your eyes and something is stuck in your mouth to keep you quiet for now. You don't see anymore but you can feel the stares you are getting and while they manoeuver in whatever position they fancy, you can feel their hand purposely moving on your ass and your breast. You keep trying to struggle, bringing yourself to tear but nothing seems to stop your assaillant now. Despite the rough situation, you feel your pussy getting wet in anticipation. You feel moved and when they finaly remove your blindfold, you stare at the next hours of your life. They brought you to a dark street corner. A hook is held by several rope and when you look around, you see them aproaching you with more ropes... As you try to struggle yourself out for the last time, one of them ends up sliding your dress down your shoulder's, revealing your breast but they don't bother taking it off completely seeing as you have no panties on.

D&D: They tie you over-arm and kneeled

D&D: They tie you in suspended frogtied

D&D: They tie you in suspended spread eagle

D&D: They tie you in suspended bent over

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