College Girls / Give Emily the chance to win back her panties at her place

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“Can you believe that waitress?” Emily says as the two of you walk to her place.

“Yeah, I know. Unbelievable.”

“I mean what a slut.” You chuckle at that. After a little while Emily turns to you and says, “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to the dorm to get some fresh clothes?” It’s not that far to her place and the stain on your trousers isn’t that noticeable, you tell yourself, though the stares of a few passing strangers would seem to disagree.

“No, I have to give you a chance to win your panties back and I don’t need my trousers for that do I?” Emily grins and nibbles your earlobe.

“We’ll see,” she says, playing coy. You arrive at her place, a second story apartment above a local cafe, about ten minutes’ walk from the college campus. It has a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms.

“You have a roommate?” you ask.

“Yeah, didn’t I mention that?” You shake your head. “Oh, well, never mind her, she went off to Jamaica for the week.” You raise an eyebrow at that but say nothing.

“Now,” Emily says and undoes your fly without any warning. She smiles as she pulls down your trousers. Once they are at your ankles she kisses your hardening cock over your pants, then rises and forces you to sit down into the large, soft couch in the living room. She then pulls your trousers off completely.

“I’ll pop these in the washer,” she says and walks towards the bathroom. “That way you can’t leave.” She flashes you a seductive smile over her shoulder.

You take the chance to look around. The apartment is nice. Expensive looking furniture, large plasma TV, and various expensive gadgets in the living room. Is Emily rich or something? She would have mentioned that, right?

You notice a photo of Emily and another girl, taken on a yacht. The girl has auburn hair and beautiful, though the picture only shows her face and the top of what look like nicely sized breasts. There are a few other photos as well, a few of Emily and a couple of other girls who look quite similar, blonde with pretty, delicate features. They seem to be maybe a couple of years younger than Emily. Must be her sisters, and the blonde guy in some of them her brother. There are other pictures of the auburn haired girl as well. You guess she is Emily’s roommate.

You don’t notice that Emily is back until you feel pressing her body into your back. “Hi,” she says, running her hands under your shirt and over your abs.

“Hi”, you say back and turn around in her embrace.

“Are you checking out my sisters? Or are you looking at Sarah?” she asks, teasing you.


“My roommate,” she says and points to the picture of the two of them on the yacht. “That’s us on her daddy’s yacht.”

“Oh,” you say. So Sarah is rich, pretty and takes vacations in Jamaica. Good to know. “No, I wasn’t checking them out. And even if I was they’re not here, are they?”

“Nope,” Emily says, “Just me.” You lean in for a kiss and for a long moment your tongues dance in your mouths. Soon your cock is twitching to life again.

“You know,” Emily breathes, “I’ve never done anything like what we did behind the art gallery before. I’m not usually that daring. I’d never even tasted cum before,” she confesses.

“No?” You smile. “How did you like it?”

“Meh,” she says, “Not bad, not good. A few small drops like that was alright but I don’t know if I could swallow a whole load.”

“Well, that’s something to try. Maybe?” You say, smiling, teasing her. She just smiles back and you start kissing again. After another while Emily breaks the kiss.

“You made one mistake, though,” she says. You break out in a sudden cold sweat. What could that possibly be? “You kept my panties in your trouser pocket and I’ve got them back now.” She pulls out her white cotton panties, dry now but infused with her scent. She moves them out of your reach as you make a grab from them.

“But you haven’t earned them back,” you say, mock scolding her.

“Hmm,” she considers, “Now, how could I earn them back, I wonder?”

Do you:

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