Was Immediately Called Into the Interview

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition rushed, frantic, nervous Apparel and Items: Thigh-length blazer, panties, vibrating egg (inside her vagina), socks, and shoes
Day, Time Monday, early morning
Need to Bathroom Only a Little
Level of Humiliation Embarrassed from being exposed while being sexually stimulated

Just before Katie sat down, the door opened up and a man stepped out.

"Is there a Katie present?" the man asked glancing over the people sitting on the bench.

"Here." she spoke up, turning to face the man.

"Follow me." he said without even giving her a second glance - which surprised Katie considering she wasn't wearing much.

Katie followed the man into the room, still working on keeping her blazer from riding up her legs to show her panties. However, this was at the expense of showing off some cleavage, in fact half of her breasts were exposed. Katie bit her lip while the man was walking around to the far side of the desk, she was nervous about what would happen. She still felt the threat of the vibrating eggs in her vagina. Katie moved to take a seat, but the man raised a hand to stop her.

"I like to keep the interviewee on their feet - something to do with some ancient saying my old man used to say. Anyways I would like you to ask a variety of questions, and I would like a 'Yes' or 'No' from you. Please answer quickly as I don't have all day. Do you understand?" the nicely dressed man asked her.

"Yes." Katie replied, nodding slightly as she resolved to standing in front of the man's desk.

What followed were a series of random questions, ranging from previous work experience (none) to high school grades. Katie stood still, her hands crossing the blazer and holding each other. She maintained a straight back and herself as calm as she could. However, the randomness of the questions and length of time the questions were taking. Katie was starting to get agitated, and was about to ask why this wasn't a conventional interview when the man's phone suddenly buzzed with a text. He paused for a second to look at the text. It was a good thing that he did look down for a second because Katie jerked as the vibrators suddenly turned on. Katie bit her lip to keep herself from making any noise. She also clenched her fingers and waited patiently for the man to look back up. It took a few minutes, but he finally looked back up after texting back.

"Excuse me for that. Let's continue." he apologized as the question were re-initiated.

And re-initiated they were indeed. The questions were as boring and standard as they were before. Only instead of being agitated, she was trying to avoid relieving herself as the vibrators tempted her. As the time continued to drag on, Katie felt her willpower breaking down. Even worse, her mind began to play tricks on her, as it felt like the vibrators were getting stronger and stronger. In fact, Katie started worrying that she wouldn't be able to hold out long enough for the interview to finish. She inched closer and closer to an orgasm, but her orgasms, as she discovered thanks to her aunt and 'friend' Samantha had shown her, were never clean. She could lose control of her muscles in her nether regions, and with the vibrators in, she couldn't be sure of how strong the orgasm would be.


Orgasms Before the Interview is Over and is Discovered

Orgasms Before the Interview is Over But Hides It

Rushes Out After the Interview Ends to Find a Bathroom

Is Suddenly Asked Strange Questions and to Do Questionable Things (The man is working with Samantha!)

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