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May 1, 2011

It's about noon right now, and the rain still hasn't stopped. Well, at least, I don't think it has. I've been asleep for the last ten hours. I'm actually pretty surprised, though, that the rain hasn't let up.

Once again, the media seems to be avoiding the topic of the missing high school students. It's really getting weird. The parents are really mad because nobody has any information, and that's just what they say when they DO choose to acknowledge the topic, which is practically never.

Even stranger, the weather report came on briefly, but we didn't get a local update. It was the usual state-wide weather report, but instead of following up and giving us the county-wide, they just cut back to the anchors. The weatherman was really nervous, though. He couldn't hide that. That, combined with the air of secrecy that's starting to form, is really making me nervous.

As far as dreams go, I had another dreamless night. If I did dream, I don't remember it. I wish I could use one of those dream-dictionary sites and find what some of the stuff in my dreams means, but none of them seem to have anything about giant mosquito-mouthed man creatures, dying in a pyramid, or being outside with a group, slightly armed, in a severe thunderstorm. Oh well.

Last update before I go to bed. The rain hasn't stopped. It's been going all day. The streets are getting dangerously close to flooding, too, and the rain just seems to pick up the longer it goes on.



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