Thank them for the offer, but admit you find the idea of a threesome a bit overwhelming.

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk up to the two men, heart pounding. Both men stare at you the entire short time it takes you to get to them. You swallow, and end up standing in front of the two men, awkwardly wondering what the hell you could possibly say…

“Your friend says it’s your birthday,” the muscular man in the leather straps says to you. Dean, the guy said.

“Yeah,” you manage, tongue tied.

“And you’d like a toy for your birthday?” Dean asks. His voice is even and controlled, and your stomach does another flip. Your dick, though, is getting hard.

“Yeah, but… Um… I didn’t realize you two were together.” Your face is growing hot. “I, uh…”

Dean tilts his head a bit. “You never been piggy in the middle before?”

Forget hot, your face is now nuclear.

“Uh, no.”

“Aw, it’s fine,” says the other man - the one in the red tank-top. Ross, was it? “Look at the poor boy. He’s trying not to wet himself. You have fun. I’ll find me someone to play with in the back.” And without another word, the man in the red tank top walks away, leaving you with the leather stud.

“Okay, boy,” Dean says. “With me. From here on out, my two favorite words are ‘yes’ and ‘sir.’ Got it?”

You shiver from head to toe. “Yes, sir.”

Heading downstairs, Dean doesn’t so much as look over his shoulder, and you follow like an obedient puppy, face still burning. At the door, the bouncer glances at the two of you, and turns to Dean for a moment.

“Damn, looks like you beat me to it,” the bouncer says. You turn and gape at him.

“You’re busy working anyway,” Dean says. “Besides, he’s so new you’d snap him in half.”

The bouncer looks you up and down. “But he’d enjoy it.”

You squeak. Dean puts one hand down on your shoulder and gives you a slight nudge. You walk out into the night ahead of him.

Dean drives you back to his place, in a row of townhouses where he has the end unit. Inside, you barely get to glance at the entrance area before Dean’s hand is once again at your shoulder and he’s guiding you off to the side of the hallway, where some stairs lead down. At the bottom of the stairs there’s a door, and you’re just about to open the door when Dean’s hand tightens on your shoulder, making you stop.

“You need to be ready before you go through that door, boy.”

You turn, and remember just in time what he said about his favorite words. “Yes, sir.”

He crosses his arms, muscles flexing underneath the leather straps of the harness. “Naked boy, now.”

You obey, nervously undoing your shoes and tugging off your socks, then stripping off your pants and shirt. You take a few seconds to pile everything neatly before removing your underwear. When you’re naked and standing in front of him, Dean reaches out with his leather gloved hand, tracing a finger down your chest and then stroking your cock which jumps and hardens at the touch.

“Okay, boy, you can go in.”

You turn and open the door, padding barefoot into the darkened room. A moment later, there’s a click as Dean flicks a switch, and a series of lights turn on in the room. You stare, shaking. A padded sling made of knotted rope and leather is anchored into the ceiling in four places, and on the far wall is a series of shelves and pegboards, upon which hang all manner of straps and paddles. There’s also a mattress on a small raised platform against the far wall, with what appears to be rubber sheets draped over it. And, at the foot of that “bed” there’s a large black chest.

“There’s your present, boy,” Dean says.

You pad - barefoot and naked - over to the chest, and open the lid with shaking hands. You stare inside, astounded at the stuff inside. Some of it you don’t know at all, though some of it is obvious enough - you know the dildos, the paddles, the gag and the handcuffs - not that you’ve really ever played with them before. But some of the other stuff… There are strange chains with clips on them, and something that looks like a rubber string of really large pearls. There’s also a rubber ball with a hole through it, and lots of straps, and a box of what looks like clothes pegs for some reason.

“Go ahead and pick,” Dean says.


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