Search the ravine.

From Create Your Own Story

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You spend about an hour looking up and down the ravine, and you find a treasure trove of items washed down by past floods. You find a dented tin bucket, a bone fish hook and a tangle of braided sinew line, a chipped stone axehead, a piece of flint, and about a mile of dorena roots ripped from the loamy forest soil.

You also find a small cave about ten feet up the ravine wall just behind were the dragon is tethered. You find hand and footholds and manage to pull yourself up into it. It's not very big--not quite tall enough for you to stand in and only a few feet deep, but it'll do. You clear the debris out, then go down to check on the dragon. It doesn't move when you kick it in the tail.

You climb back up the goat trail and drag down fresh boughs for bedding. The ravine is full of wood to burn and with the flint, you soon have a small fire crackling in the opening of the cave. Taking the bucket, you journey to the river for water. On your way back, you meet an old billy goat climbing up the goat trail. The goat bleats and lowers his head to butt you.

Health Mated to a dragon Equipment:


Experience Inexperienced
HP 100
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