Check Jessie's room before heading to bed.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:36, 20 December 2013 by Maxpower (Talk | contribs)

You stealthily move down the hallway. As you approach her door you can hear the sound of your daughter's voice. It is quiet and strangely laboured but it she sounds as if she's singing. You smile to yourself as you take a moment to listen to her sing alone in her room. You decide you might as well say good night to your little girl. You rap your knuckles against her door but you get no response; just more singing. You're not sure what she's doing but it's odd for her not to answer. You turn her handle anyway and let yourself in.

The door swings halfway open before you stop yourself in your tracks. Jess is naked!

You freeze and take in the scene in front of you. Jessie is sitting perpendicular to you, leaning back and utterly naked with her legs spread and knees bent backward. She hasn't yet noticed you. Her hair is tied up in pigtails and the cord of her earbuds drapes behind her shoulder and down to the iPod next to her. You then realize that Jess is facing a mirror rested against her wall. It looks like she's staring back at her own sex! And what is that in her hand? Is that one of your vibrators?!

It's such an odd scene. You're a bit surprised that she's doing something like this at all, and yet equally as mad that she's doing it with your vibrator. And yet despite how earnest and deliberate her motions are she still doesn't quite know what she's doing.

Jess quietly mumbles the lyrics of some pop song. Repeatedly she lowers the pink cylinder she is holding until it rests lengthwise along her pussy lips. Rubbing it around, her words falter and break, her body softly jerking in rhythm, before she lifts the cylinder far enough into the air for her to again inspect her sex unobstructed in the mirror.

As you stand there watching your little girl experimentally pleasure herself you realize that you're starting to feel wet. You slip a hand inside your robe and press it against your pubic mound cautiously only to confirm your realization. Being as cock-hungry as you are you're a bit shocked that for once it's your youngest daughter that is turning you on.

Trying to think motherly, your initial thought is to burst into the room and put a stop to this. Other thoughts enter your mind, including the notion of joining her. With your building arousal and her clumsy motions you tell yourself that she could benefit from your tutelage; it is your vibrator after all. But it's all so confusing. Do you:

Or you could:

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