Blow another load

From Create Your Own Story

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"Fucking hell Stacy... you're going to make me blow another load with shit like that!"

"Really? Again?! Okay, but not yet!"

You watch Stacy lean over and yank Timmy's pants down, his stiff dick bobbing up in the air as the elastic waistband rolls off its tip. She then tugs up on his pajama top and Timmy takes the hint, stripping himself of his last remaining item. He drops the shirt on the floor while his pants remain around his ankles.

"Baby, come over this way." Stacy says, guiding Jessie closer to you. "I don't want you to miss out. In fact..."

Stacy knocks your hand away from your dick and replaces it Jessie's. She closes her own hand over her daughter's and begins to pump you, introducing her to your member. Her soft nimble fingers paired with the expert grip of your wife feels amazing around the slick shaft of your cock, still coated by Stacy's own juices.

Your wife offers sweet words of encouragement as the climax builds within you a second time. Your cum rushes through your dick in bursts, forcing its way past the delicate digits squeezing your shaft. Your eyes roll back in your head and you empty yourself blindly - for the second time - in front of half your family.

When you open your eyes again you realize it is even worse than that. Stacy positioned Timmy right in the path of your orgasm! Your cum is streaking down his exposed chest and stomach, racing towards his own dick.

"Good job sweetie!" Stacy says to Jessie, giving her a light peck on the cheek. Stacy moves away but Jessie maintains a light grip on the shaft of your cock while she stares at her brother.

Your wife puts a gentle hand on your son's chest, rubbing your cum across his chest in delight, as if fulfilling a dream of hers. Then putting her tongue into action, Stacy begins to clean up little Timmy. Long licks follow the trails of cum still dripping down his torso. She removes her now coated hand to make way for her tongue but then firmly grips that hand around Timmy's boner. She rubs some of your cum along his length while she laps at his hairless chest.

Meanwhile Jessie - unconsciously or otherwise - begins to lightly pump your cock again. Perhaps she's mimicking her mother, or maybe she likes the feel of it. You don't really care because even though your dick is softening her movements still feel great.

Finishing up with his chest, Stacy moves lower. She takes Timmy's full length into her mouth along with his balls, all in one shot. Timmy's mouth drops open and his eyes widen. He starts panting as Stacy rolls her head around bobbing and twisting her mouth over his dick.

Stacy finally pops his cock and balls from her mouth. Jessie in turn releases her fingers from your shaft.

"Did you like that, honey?" asks Stacy, lifting his pants back over his dick. Timmy nods slowly with a dumbfounded smile.

You have to agree with your son. That was fantastic.

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